The Cheyenne Community Rotaract Club will be having a drawing for an Xbox One that was donated to us.  We will have a max of 100 tickets sold and I will be keeping track of this so as soon as you get a ticket or however many sold PLEASE email them to me ASAP so that I can keep that record.  I also thought it would be easier to do the tear off at the bottom of the flyer for people rather than raffle tickets so that we can get this started now.  For example, I plan on emailing the flyer to everyone one in my office; if they reply with the they want to purchase a ticket I will add it to my spreadsheet (you can email me name and phone #) and then collect the money from them.  If you print some and sell them have the ticket purchaser keep the top half so they remember they bought some tickets and email me the info…hopefully this works pretty easy for us.

Tickets are $10 a piece or you can buy 6 tickets for $50.  We will hold the raffle at one of our meetings and will contact the winner the next day.  Please collect the money and get it to myself, Jera or Shawnna as soon as you can.  Thank you so much everyone for your help and let’s make this an awesome fundraiser for us!!!  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns…

Thank you all for everything and I hope you’re staying warm!!!
Kirsten Malm,
Cheyenne Community Rotaract Club