Today was another great day to be a Rotarian.  In the house today we had Dr. Joe Schaffer, President of Laramie County Community College.  Dr. Schaffer spoke on the excitement happening all over campus and new programs that could be active next fall.  Even though budget woes are happening all over the state, LCCC no exception, enrollment is stable, partnering with the community and LCSD's continues, and expansion and changes will happen to to enrich a student's overall experience at LCCC.

The club presented Dr. Schaffer with a check for $3,000 to complete our matching commitment and wrapping up the golf tournament activities.  The $3,000 plus match brings our scholarship account close to $60,000 with funds helping a male and female student yearly with their education.  Congrats to the club for their hard work and commitment to the Cheyenne community.

Please complete your surveys so we can continue with our club health check up.
