2014-2015 club president Carrie Westling was formally inducted by 2013-14 club president Andy Miller. Westling said she will be calling each member to get their input on what they think the club should be doing in the coming year. If you'd like to spare her a call, you can email her at carriew@bresnan.net and tell her what you think the club's direction should be, give input on what speakers you'd like to hear from, etc.
In his outgoing address to the club, Miller noted the club's efforts toward establishing a water project in Haiti, led by W.M. Stalcup and others. He also thanked the members who worked so hard on the golf fundraiser. Golf co-chair Brenda Laird said the recent tournament raised over $10,000.00, a portion of which will be doubled by the State of Wyoming through Laramie County Community College's Scholarship Program. Other recipients of the gold fundraiser proceeds are the Foster Grandparent's Program and our club foundation.
Sworn in to the board as new members were Kathy Alexander and Past President Paul Howard, who previously served and is coming back on the board. Outgoing board members recognized were Kevin Guille and Jerry Crader. Miller noted that Phil Noble will continue on the board.
Several members of the Noon Club were present at the meeting, including 2014-15 President Randy Ford. Noon Club Member Dale Strickland gave a presentation on a proposed Tanzanian water project, which would rebuild a primitive water system for a small town in Tanzania, which Dale and his wife Paula have visited several times. The ambitious project needs a total of just under $60,000 to complete, including District Grants and Global Grants. The Noon Club has put in $10,000 and CSR member W.M. Stalcup agreed to be our liaison on the project with their club.